Donnerstag, 30. April 2015

Dr. Davids Fit und Vital-Gelenk-Tropfen:

Fit und Vital-Gelenk-Tropfen

hochdosiert mit Glucosamin und Chondroitin aufgelöst

in Oxygen haltiger Flüssigkeit.

Leiden Sie unter folgenden Beschwerden?





Arthrose oder Arthritis


Haben sie einen Steifen Nacken

Knacken Ihre Knie?

Haben sie schmerzen an Ellbogen und Handgelenken?

Dann sollten Sie Fit und Vital-Gelenk-Tropfen probieren!

Diese spezielle hochwertige und geniale Zusammensetzung liefert Ihren Gelenken alle nötigen Nährstoffe, die sie brauchen.

Glucosaminsulfat ist der Grundbaustoff für Sehnen, Knorpel, Knochenstrukturen, Bindegewebe, Haut, Arterienwände und Bänder.

Chondroitin sorgt durch Binden von Wasser für Elastizität und Stoßdämpfung.

Oxygen ist reiner Sauerstoff und kommt in unserem ganzen Körper vor.

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen in London haben ergeben, dass die Wirkung von verschreibungspflichtigen Medikamenten nicht an die Kombination von Glucosamin, Chondroitin und Oxygen herankommt die in Fit und Vital-Gelenk-Tropfen enthalten sind . Da die Produktion dieser wichtigen Nährstoffe im Alter immer mehr nachlässt, ist es sehr vorteilhaft, den Körper mit diesen Nährstoffen zu unterstützen.

Verzehrsempfehlung: 2-4 x täglich 10 Tropfen in Flüssigkeit (Mineralwasser oder Saft) geben und nach den Mahlzeiten Trinken.

Nahrungsergänzungen sind kein Ersatz für eine abwechslungsreiche Ernährung. Außerhalb der Reichweite von kleinen Kindern aufbewahren!


: Pure MACA-Extrakt
: in Oxygen gelöste Power-Kraft
: 99,96 % Maca-Extrakt (Wurzel)
: Absolut Natürlich
Die Maca-Wurzel enthält Eiweiße, viel Eisen, Zink, Magnesium, Kalzium, Kohlenhydrate, Phosphor, Zucker,
wichtige Mineralstoffe und nahezu alle Vitamine.
Leistung des Maca-Extrakts:
1. Steigerung des Testosteronspiegels - daraus folgt bessere Proteinsynthese,
Muskulatur kann dadurch mehr Eiweiß aufnehmen
2. gesteigerter Muskel und Kraftaufbau auf natürliche Weise
3. verbesserte Regeneration
4. Erhöhung der Ausdauer und hormonellen Balance
5. Wiederherstellung des hormonellen Gleichgewichts
6. Linderung bei Problemen wie Müdigkeit, Vergesslichkeit, Hitzewallungen, Nervosität, Mattigkeit
    7. Steigerung der Energie und Fruchtbarkeit, Steigerung der sexuellen Aktivität
Vor gebrauch gut schütteln.
Geben sie 2 x täglich 4-5 Tropfen in Mineralwasser oder Tee, lassen sie es ca. 5 Minuten auflösen und trinken es.

Professor. Dr. hc. Lampe Rundum-Sorglos-Vitamin mit Lutein: Über ein Jahr rundum versorgt

Professor. Dr. hc. Lampe Rundum-Sorglos-Vitamin mit Lutein: Über ein Jahr rundum versorgt

Rundum-Sorglos-Paket für über einem Jahr mit 
Professor. Dr. hc. Lampe Rundum-Sorglos-Vitamin mit Lutein. Egal ob bei Anspannung, Sport oder einfach nur so. Die preiswerte Vorratspackung enthält alle wichtigen Vitamine, Mineralien, Antioxidantien und Lutein. Dieses wertvolle Carotinoid kann die Netzhaut der Augen vor freien Radikalen schützen. Für ein aktives und zufriedenes Leben sind körperliches und geistiges Wohlbefinden die Voraussetzung. Eine Versorgung mit vielen Nährstoffen ist die Basis hierfür. Qualität beginnt mit der Wahl ausgesuchter, natürlicher Rohstoffe und setzt sich fort mit der optimalen Zusammenstellung der unterstützenden Wirkstoffe.
Zutaten: Calciumhydrogenphosphat, Ajowan, Magnesiumoxid, Kaliumchlorid, L-Ascorbinsäure, D-alpha-Tocopherol, Zinkcitrat, Chromhefe, Eisen(III)fumarat, Calciumcarbonat, Selen, Beta-Carotin, Nicotinamid, Magnesiumsalze, Mangan(II)citrat, Tagetes-Extrakt (20% Lutein), Gotu Kola, Ca-D-Pantothenat, Retinylpalmitat, Cyanocobalamin, Kupfercitrat, Pyridoxin-HCl, Ingwer,Cholecalciferol, Thiaminmononitrat, Riboflavin, Di-Natriumtetraborat-Decahydrat, Phytomenadion, Pteroylmonoglutaminsäure, Kaliumjodid, Natriummolybdat-Dihydrat, D-Biotin, Süßholzwurzel,
Abends vor dem Schlafen gehen 2-4 Tropfen in ca.200 ml. Flüssigkeit (Tee oder Mineralwasser) auflösen und trinken.

Montag, 27. April 2015

Vitamin B 50 Komplex: Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B12, Folsäure, Energie

Fit und Vital Vitamin B 50
Wenn Sie Ihren Stoffwechsel mit genügend B-Vitaminen für all seine Produktionsschritte versorgen, funktioniert er schnell und reibungslos:
Sie haben Energie für den Tag.
Ein Mangel an B-Vitaminen bremst hingegen die Energieproduktion:
Sie fühlen sich müde und schlapp.
Die Herstellung der Botenstoffe für das Nervensystem läuft auf Sparflamme.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
- Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
- Vitamin B3 (Niacinamid)
- Vitamin B5 (Pantothensäure)
- Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxin Hydrochlorid)
- Folsäure
- Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
- Vitamin B12 (Cyanocabalamine)
- Inositol 5mg
- Choline Bitartrate
- Soja Lecithin 2,5mg /
Täglicher Bedarf an Vitamin B50
Der Tagesbedarf an Vitamin B50 liegt bei 6 mg, die erreichen sie wenn sie 4-5 Tropfen Fit und Vital Vitamin B50 Tropfen 1 mal Täglich in 200 ml. Mineral-Wasser auflösen. 

Dr. Davids: Fit und Vital Darm Vital 37 Kräuter

Dr. Davids: Darm Vital 37 Kräuter

Die sanfte Entschlackung für ihren Darm

Sie leiden unter Verstopfung, Blähungen, Durchfall, Bauchschmerzen?
Gerade in diesem Bereich kann man selbst sehr viel tun und zwar
ohne Nebenwirkungen befürchten zu müssen. Mit der "richtigen"
Ernährung und einem sanften Präparat zur Darmpflege kriegen Sie Ihr Problem schnell in den Griff.
Ihre Fähigkeit, Nährstoffe aufzunehmen und Giftstoffe abzusondern, ist abhängig von der Unversehrtheit der Darminnenwand, der mucosa. Diese Innenwand ist von einer Schicht ausgekleidet, die reich an Antikörpern ist, sogenannten Immunglobulinen. Sie schützt uns vor den schädlichen Bestandteilen des Darminhalts. Beinhaltet der Darm hohe Anteile spezieller Giftstoffe, wie Alkohol, gewisse Drogen, Chemikalien, aber auch Abbauprodukte des Stoffwechsels, kann die hochsensible mucosa geschädigt werden.
In der Folge sinkt ihre Fähigkeit, Nährstoffe aufzunehmen und Giftstoffe abzuwehren. Im schlimmsten Falle entsteht durch die unvollständige Aufspaltung von Eiweiß Ammoniak. Dieser kann über die vor geschädigte mucosa in den Blutkreislauf gelangen. Ammoniak schädigt vor allem Leber und Gehirn.
In weniger ernsten Fällen kommt es zu chronischer Verstopfung, Blähbauch, Diarrhö und einer verzögerten Darmpassage. Während die normale Darmpassage etwa 24-36 Stunden dauert, kann diese Zeit bis auf 120 Stunden ansteigen.
Für einen gesunden, funktionsfähigen Darm ist vor allem die Balance der verschiedenen Mikroorganismen ausschlaggebend.

Ist dieses Gleichgewicht gestört, leidet darunter das Immunsystem, die Aufnahme von Nährstoffen, Vitaminen und Spurenelementen und die Neutralisierung von Giftstoffen.

Mit unserer Darm-Kur können Sie Darmpflege jetzt ganz einfach zuhause durchführen:

Probieren Sie es selbst aus und Sie werden sehen:
Blähungen, Verstopfung, Durchfall und die damit einhergehenden Bauchschmerzen gehören schon bald der Vergangenheit an.

Mit unsere Darm Kur ist es ganz einfach und Sie fühlen sich schon nach kurzer Zeit wieder deutlich vitaler, Energie-voller, eben rundherum wieder wohler

Hier sind die Vorteile auf einen Blick:
- Kur bequem und mit wenig Zeitaufwand zu Hause durchführbar.
- Kein Fasten oder schwierige Diäten.
- Reinigt und entgiftet den Darm, harmonisiert die Darmflora und baut sie auf.
- Spürbare Gesundung und Steigerung des Wohlbefindens.
- Immun stimulierende Wirkung.
- unterstützt einen regelmäßigen Stuhlgang sowie eine sanfte
Gewichtsreduzierung (nur bei Übergewicht).
sorgt für deutlich mehr Energie und Schaffenskraft.

Eine Grundreinigung des Darmes nach der normalen Anwendung dauert etwa 6-8 Wochen.


37 Kräuter




Nehmen sie 1 mal Täglich 5 Tropfen Fit u. Vital Darm Vital in 200 ml. Flüssigkeit (am besten in warme Milch und vor dem Schlafen gehen).

Prof. Dr. h.c. Lampe Darm Aktiv Natürliche Verdauung

Prof. Dr. h.c. Lampe Darm Aktiv Natürliche Verdauung 

16 ayurvedischen Natur-Stoffe

In Prof. Dr. h.c. Lampe Natürliche Verdauung sind rein natürliche Substanzen wie Papaya-Samen-Konzentrat, Topinambur, Curcuma und dazu noch 13 weitere ayurvedischen Natur-Stoffe enthalten. Diese Inhaltsstoffe unterstützen die Darmtätigkeit und können die Verdauung auf natürliche Weise unterstützen.
Prof. Dr. h.c. Lampe 16 ayurvedischen Natur-Stoffe kann anregend auf die Arbeit des Darmes wirken. Die Enzyme in Curcuma sollen den Fluss der Verdauungssäfte fördern.

Papaya-Samen sollen die natürliche Bewegung im Darm unterstützen. Topinambur kann reinigend und schützend auf Ihre Darmschleimhaut wirken.

Prof. Dr. h.c. Lampe Natürliche Verdauung ist kein Abführmittel, sondern ein Darm-Pflegemittel. Es wirkt in keiner Weise wasserentziehend.

80 % aller Immunzellen stecken in Ihrer Darmwand.

Um Sie zu schützen und Ihnen zu nützen. Wie vor Fäulnis und Bakterien.
Auch „Wohlfühlen“ löst Ihr Darmhirn aus. Das Glückshormon Serotonin fühlt sich in Ihren Darmwänden wohl.

Was ein gesunder Darm schafft

  • Hält Gehirn und Nerven frisch
  • Herz in Schwung. Statt schwach und lustlos
  • Sorgt für die Lungen, sodass Ihr Atem gut riecht
  • Sich gesund statt elend und aufgebläht fühlen
  • Frische Haut. Statt fahl, faltig und ungesund
  • Neuer Schwung. Statt müde und ohne sexuelles Verlangen
  • Freude. Sich viel jünger fühlen und auch so aussehen

Diese 16 ayurvedischen Natur-Stoffe entfesseln zusammen die magische Kraft.
Das Geheimnis: Exakt aufeinander gestimmt. Und jeder verstärkt den anderen:

  1. Gotu Kola hält das Alter fern
  2. Kalmus beruhigt den Darm mit Bitterstoffen
  3. Koriander ist nicht nur verdauungsfördernd
  4. Blätter des Currybaums, seit Jahrtausenden bewährt
  5. Ingwer fördert Stoffwechsel und Durchblutung
  6. Haritaki ist die „Putzkolonne“ für den Darm
  7. Süßholzwurzel stärkt Immunkraft und fördert Verdauung
  8. Bengalischer Pfeffer erwärmt sanft die Darmschleimhaut
  9. Rundcyper ist ein erstaunliches Multi-Talent
  10. Indischer Goldregen löscht das Feuer in Leber und Darm
  11. Ajowan schenkt wertvolle ätherische Öle
  12. Swertia chirata nützt bei Völlegefühl und Blähungen
  13. Zauber-Stoff Curcumin rettet die Darmzellen
  14. Papayasamen,
  15. Topinambur,
  16. Zimtpulver
    2x täglich 5 Tropfen in 200-250 ml. Flüssigkeit auflösen und

Parasitenkur-Oxy-66: Sauerstoff, MMS

Parasitenkur Oxy-66

Oxy-66 Stabilisierter Sauerstoff, Ein Element wird neu entdeckt Sauerstoff der Powerstoff. Oxy-66 ist ein Flüssigkonzentrat, bestehend aus Sauerstoffmolekülen, reinem Wasser, Kochsalz und dem Mineral Kalzium. Oxy-66 ist ideal für unterwegs, im Urlaub, Camping.

Herkunft: Im Jahre 2006 entdeckten englische Wissenschaftler die Formel der molekularen Sauerstoff-Anbindung an Salz (Sodium-Chlorid). Diese erstmalige Bindung von Sauerstoffatomen an einen sicheren Trägerstoff wurde in intensiven Forschungsarbeiten mit Wissenschaftlern führender Universitäten in England und den USA weiterentwickelt und trägt seither den Namen Oxy-66.

Oxy-66 wird seit 2007 nach der original Formel hergestellt. Es werden dabei nur 100% natürliche Inhaltsstoffe verwendet: Sauerstoffmoleküle, reines Wasser, Salz und das Mineral Kalzium.

Funktionsweise von Oxy-66.

Schädliche Mikroorganismen wie Kolibakterien, Bazillen wie z. B. Askariden, Hakenwurm, Ringwurm, Trichinellen, Strongyloiden, Dirofilarien und verschiedene Bandwürmer, Pilze und eine Vielzahl von anaeroben Krankheitskeimen haben einen Mangel an Sauerstoff-Atomen.

Indem sie mit Oxy-66 in Kontakt kommen, löst sich Sauerstoff von Oxy-66 ab und sättigt den reaktiven Mangel der Schadstoffe. Dadurch werden sie ungefährlich. Sie werden sozusagen durch den molekularen Sauerstoff eliminiert. Dies führte zu der wissenschaftlichen Aussage: Wohl kaum eine andere Substanz tötet effektiver schädigende Mikroorganismen ab als Oxy-66.

Die körperfreundlichen Darmbakterien werden durch Oxy-66 nicht beeinträchtigt, da sie auch keinen reaktiven Sauerstoffmangel aufweisen. Dies bedeutet, dass molekularer Sauerstoff zwischen nützlichen und gesundheits- feindlichen Bakterien unterscheidet.

So wenden Sie Oxy-66 an: Trinkwasser, das mit Oxy-66 aufbereitet und angereichert wurde, kann in gebrauchsüblichen Mengen getrunken werden. Dadurch, dass das Hämoglobin über den Magen nur eine bestimmte Menge an Sauerstoff aufnimmt, ist eine Überdosierung kaum möglich. Verdünnt kann Oxy-66 mit bis zu 8 Tropfen pro 250 ml Wasser unbedenklich genutzt werden.

Mundhygiene 2-3 Tropfen auf 50 ml Wasser zum Gurgeln oder Spülen.

Hygienische Reinigung/Desinfizierung Oxy-66 eignet sich hervorragend zur Desinfektion von Haushaltsflächen. Es ist sehr kinderfreundlich, haut schonend und geruchlos. Geben Sie ca. 10 Tropfen in 200 ml Wasser und besprühen Sie die gewünschten Bereiche. Nach etwa 2-3 Minuten wischen Sie die Flächen wieder ab.

Samstag, 25. April 2015

Church -of- Atomic Mono -White - Gold - meteor -Powder

Church -of- Atomic Mono -White - Gold - meteor -Powder

Church -of- Atomic Mono -White - Gold - meteor -Powder is an adaptogen . As an adaptogen refers to a substance that increases the continual adaptability of the body to its environment. Due to its electromagnetic properties it supports brain , mind and body alike.

Meteorites as a healing stone : help nervousness , cramps and muscle tension to relieve . In addition, the meteorite has a stabilizing effect on the immune system .

Church -of- Atomic Mono -White - Gold - meteor -Powder seems to be able to detect electromagnetic disturbances in the body and neutralize them.
Church -of- Atomic Mono -White - Gold - meteor -Powder activated and harmonized the glandular system . Gold calms the nervous system . Gold with meteorite rock activates the internal energies and leads to an improved mental attitude , she can see the world and its surroundings with different eyes. Your consciousness expands.
1 Step three metals : gold, meteor - rock and palladium are melted several times. For each melting process, the waste products are removed. This process takes at least two months and the melting process of each metal is up to 108 times repeated until the metal is completely pure in the alchemical sense. The melting of metals is performed by monks and alchemists because of the heat development in the mountains of Shan State . Then , the metals are fused together and filled with peeled oranges and citrus fruits in large glazed clay pots and buried for 15 years alternately a year in the ground, and kept for a year on Earth. Once a year they are opened , and when the substance is dry, fruits are replenished . In the fermentation process of the fruit produces substances which are established to have antibiotic properties. In this 15 - year process in and above the earth , the metals undergo an alchemical transformation , where the fruits serve as food for the conversion process of the metals. The product , the alloy of the three metals in perfect purity in solid form. This alloy is used several times washed dried in the sun and melted again .

 2 Step : The alloy of the three metals will be processed in several steps to form thin films. These are cut into small pieces and heated together with the " philosopher's stone" . This produces a white powder.

 3 Step : The powder obtained in the second step is again mixed with oranges and buried along with the Philosopher's Stone again one year.

 4 Step : The mass obtained in the third step above is humid and dry below. It is five months in an oven , which is lined with sawdust and thereby developed a smoldering with relatively low heat baked. This produces Church -of- Atomic Mono -White - Gold - meteor -Powder

 5 Step : Church- of- Atomic Mono -White - Gold - meteor -Powder is dried again for 10 days in the sun .

0.5-1 grams are dissolved in about 1 liter of mineral water or tea and drink throughout the day .

Look on page:

Donnerstag, 23. April 2015

Church of Monoatomic White Powder Gold. What is alchemy and how does it differ from other therapies?

Church of Monoatomic White Powder Gold
How can we the unique powers of this Church of Monoatomic White Powder Gold for the expansion of consciousness, to restore the Supraleitfähiglkeit and strengthening of self-healing processes nutzen.Es may initially attached some basic concepts and assumptions to be clarified.
During the last 30 years, the understanding of the value of healthy food, vitamins, minerals, natural herbs and supplements with regard to a longer life, increased intelligence and spiritual development has grown. Once this understanding is now available on a sufficiently broad basis, the next stage is now available to support Church of Monoatomic White Powder Gold.
What is alchemy and how does it differ from other therapies?
Alchemy is an ancient science and is practiced in many cultures. Alchemy refers aspects of chemistry, medicine, physics, astrology, geology, metallurgy and spiritual knowledge with a. An Alchemist reproduced for accelerated and highly concentrated universal nature, physical and spiritual processes and represents her unique substances that must be acquired through any other method (similar to the Spagyrik).
Why is alchemy so little known?
Many pioneers in medicine and science have studied alchemy, but the tradition was eclipsed during the last few centuries by a purely mechanistic approach of science. In the 20th Century the world's attention was brought back to Alchemy, and for the first time in the last decades of the public are true alchemical recipes available again.
From the history of the Church of Monoatomic White Powder Gold
Monoatomic gold was known in all the Gnostic schools since ancient Egypt and was already of initiates (such as Plato, Aristotle, etc.) taken to expand their consciousness, to increase its vibration and the activation of the full DNA potential.
The Hebrews called it "Manna" or the "bread of God," the Egyptians "tear from the eye of Horus," the Indians "Vibhuti or Bhasma of Gold". In alchemy, it is considered "Calx of Gold", which helps the "lead" of the human mind (the ego with its negative, dense structures) into "gold" to turn (the divine soul). It exists only to 5/9 on the physical plane and is so to speak the "spirit and soul of gold" (the metallic gold is the body). It is no colloidal gold, which is still in a metal, although colloidal state.
Even by today's science is more and more researches Monoatomic gold due to its amazing properties, because it has a completely different atomic structure from the original metallic state.
Monoatomic gold exists in trace amounts in nature. However, it can only be converted by an alchemical process permanently from pure metallic gold in a monatomic state of man!
Monoatomic gold and its unique physical and energetic properties:
It is a superconductor at room temperature, exhibits properties of energy and can receive light / information / energy loss, store and release.
At the same time it produces an ethereal vortex of prana that flows along a double helix by the nucleus and corresponds to the Kundalini energy.
It creates an independent zero magnetic field (Meissner field) around, which corresponds to the Mer-Ka-Ba of the people. The Mer-Ka-Ba is the light body of the people (from the Ägpyptischen: MER = rotating in opposite directions, each fused bands of light, KA = life energy & spirit, BA merge = soul / MER-KA-BA = spirit-life force and soul together and form a unit which generates counter-rotating bands of light and space and time to overcome).
Monoatomic gold exists only to 5/9 on the physical Ebene.Reines monoatomic gold levitates on the Earth's magnetic field. It does not wear out and its function and its life is eternal.
According to a group of alchemists who has taken over the years and distributed within a spiritual union and tested the Monoatomic gold, it is absorbed by the body when ingested and others increase in the energy conductivity of DNA up to 10,000.
This group has observed the following physiologic and energetic reactions with the old traditions (from Egypt, the Bible, the Vedas and alchemy) to cover (some of these statements, we can confirm from my own experience). Many energetic testing (kinesiology, clairvoyance, clairsentience, channeling, Radiästesie others) prove Manna - monoatomic gold with the title "sensational"!
Other properties:
The aging process is to be reversed by the energetic Reparierung of incorrect DNS programs. Cast it rejuvenating and prolong the life of vital DNA.
Damaged cells and energetic dysfunction should be regenerated (including brain cells).
The endocrine glandular system energy would strongly activated, particularly the thymus gland, pineal and pituitary glands.
The light / photon flux in the nervous and meridian system is to be strengthened permanently.
The self-healing to be significantly improved.
The superconductivity of the DNA would be upgraded and their energy flow increased up to 10,000 times.
An intense emotional purification and stabilization would be triggered.
A significant increase in performance and stress resilience come into force.
You rest more and more and was much more stable in its center.
You always know more solutions rather than problems, as well as the outer one sees himself more clearly.
The manifestation of the effect would be amplified thoughts.
The intelligence extend to higher levels of the mind.
The frequency of the chakras and the body would be increased.
The perception would be expanded and mental and spiritual abilities to be activated.
The Kundalini energy would be raised harmoniously.
The sleeping ("supernatural") potentials are awake.
The levitating properties of monoatomic gold lead on all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) to an all-round increase in quality of life and consciousness.
Monoatomic Gold is the substance described in the ancient Mysteries lyrics that us humans in the current time of the conversion (to 2012 and beyond) and the related inner alchemical processes supported and leads to a good 'end'! It helps us to actually achieve the long announced "New Aeon" of a universal consciousness and to realize.
The fundamental effect of monoatomic gold is the same for everyone. However, the individual changes that triggers it experienced subjectively, of course, are very different. Depending on how aware one is already (and has freed itself transformed by thick energies, meditate, inner, spiritual work practices, etc.).

NOTE: We explicitly point out that the above statements of the official science are not confirmed (yet). The statements are not intended as medical promise. 'Church of Monoatomic White Powder Gold' is no remedy within the meaning of medicine! Rather, it is a natural Energetikum, which even in small traces found in nature (eg, volcanic ash or on fertile soils in sun ripened fruits & vegetables). Our body needs monoatomic elements as well as metallic and colloidal trace elements.

But when it is made by an appropriately qualified people in an alchemical process, its purity and effect quality is significantly improved and can not be compared with the naturally occurring substance.

"White Gold," manna - many names for the - Church of Monoatomic White Powder Gold
The white gold has been the pharaohs of the first dynasties, they regenerated themselves with the later Pharaonic dynasties knowledge had been lost, they were mummified. The white gold of the science could not be determined, it has disguised himself, and has very different properties. Instead of electrons it has white bands of light around the nucleus (component of "imaginary" reality namely the antimatter side). There are properties that calculates the conventional science as impossible. We get such a connection to another world. It is also gold, but non-metallic gold. It also exists in the Parallel Universes. When gold is in the high-spin state, it loses its metallic properties completely and becomes a white powder. The white powder gold is mentioned repeatedly in the course of human history, until recently, no one has found out what it is for a substance. It is a superconductor (ie, has matter and antimatter). The white gold powder was also known as the "bread of life".

On the Internet and at various user groups, the following is said:

The white gold can repair the damaged DNA, which is then also the medicine against premature mortality.

Since the late 90s is known is that in the normal cell renewal lost a small piece of DNA on either side of the DNA strand (called telomeres) and is therefore less efficient, this "self-mutilation in installments" is also the main cause for aging. The white gold reproduces the entire DNA and highlights the degenerative process on.

Our original plan is stored in our soul. From the first dose of Church of Monoatomic White Powder Gold, the aging process is slowed down and may even actually reversed. The life expectancy can thus be increased considerably. This is about the physical, emotional and mental health, which is able to compensate the madness of our time.

The white gold is mixed (plant stem cells energy) with a Light Essence and therefore affects 50% stronger. Detoxification reactions may last up to one year.

What we think is manifest in life and that is accelerated by the white gold.
Experience in the U.S.

The hair get their natural color, condition of teeth improved, genitals are grown, the body has grown, calcium deposits in the joints are reduced or resolved pain and wrinkles are decreased, the hair growth was stimulated, the breast grows and becomes taut. .. intense orgasms. By superconductivity, the nerves are served faster and better, it is easier to stop smoking and must eat less, the blood flows better (viscosity).

By taking Church of Monoatomic White Powder Gold, the performance of the nervous system increases significantly. That would put them in a situation, like a super computer to process incredible amounts of information, so much more possibilities can be used. The brain cells are oriented so that they communicate with each other much better. Monatomic gold has an incredible power, because it aligns the cells so that they can absorb enormous amounts of light energy, which helps eliminate the blockages and imbalances.

What side effects may I? The detoxification process can lead to tiredness and fatigue, it then sleeps more, B vitamins, especially B12 help.

Typical initial reactions when taking Church of Monoatomic White Powder Gold: increased fatigue, increased appetite (damages are repaired), feeling of pressure at the third eye.

Legal note: The "Church of Monoatomic White Powder Gold" is not an official remedy within the meaning of medicine. Rather, it is a natural product, which eg also found in volcanic ash (bentonite).


0.5-1 grams are dissolved in 1 liter of mineral water or tea and drink throughout the day.

look at

Church of Monoatomic Yellow Monoatomic Gold is a mystical and alchemical substance

Church of Monoatomic-Yellow-Gold Powder 24 carats

Church of Monoatomic Yellow Monoatomic Gold is a mystical and alchemical substance used by the ancient people of Burma to achieve super-states of consciousness and mystical experiences.

Church of Monoatomic Yellow Powder Gold is also known as the fruit of the Tree of Life, Etherium Gold Powder Star-fire and gold of the gods known.

 Monoatomic gold means "single atom." It does not contain traces of metals or toxins.
Church of Monoatomic Yellow Monoatomic Gold is the result of alchemy, an ancient science of the practice of the ancient people of Burma.
Church of Monoatomic Yellow Monoatomic gold is by changing the atomic structure of 24 carat gold.
The final product is a yellow powder, consisting of trillions of individual gold atoms, each literally lighter than the element of air.
Church of Monoatomic Yellow Monoatomic Gold is all-natural and of a yellowish color which happened on the 7th or crown chakra, which corresponds to the higher self and spirituality.

Spiritual Practices
 The people of Burma to make gold cake with yellow mono atomic gold. This cake helped people from Burma and also many visitors in many of their spiritual rituals and practices.

 The spiritual beliefs and practices of the people of Burma have been admired by other cultures and implemented many spiritual practices including the use of mono-atomic gold were modeled.

 Monoatomic Gold induces and enhances states of euphoria, spiritual bliss, confidence, endurance, power, wisdom, psychic ability and cell reorientation.

 Monoatomic Gold neutralizes all negativity in the cells and protects them from disease. The substance helps in almost all diseases.

 For the healing effects of Monoatomic Gold include:

Strengthens the heart

Strengthens the pituitary and pineal

Strengthens and revitalizes the thymus and thus boosting the immune system

Increases the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow

Causes to regenerate almost all cells of the body

Helping them to impotence

By increasing libido

 Monoatomic Gold is also great for meditation. It can provide very deep states of meditation or astral travel, let the faculty of the soul, the physical density behind and travel to experience different densities. It also helps increase the human aura or the bio-magnetic sheath.


 Monoatomic Gold strengthens the major and minor chakras, the human aura and the energy field. If the aura or energy field is weak or compromised, the body will work "out of sync" or balance with the natural rhythms of nature. However, if the aura or energy field and strengthen the body's functions increased in sync or harmony with the natural rhythms of nature, and thus are health and well being optimal.


 Monoatomic gold works well with crystals for the purpose of expanding the human aura. The average aura extends from eighteen inches to three feet. But by the use of mono-atomic gold, may increase the aura of 5-25 meters, depending on the person and their other activities such as chakra balancing, meditation and yoga.

 Monoatomic Gold is a person, a general feeling of well-being. It facilitates healing and can actually help prevent aging and disease in the body. It causes the endocrine system to solve more anti-aging secretions and causes the pineal gland to release more melatonin and serotonin. These hormones are great anti-aging and wellness medicine.

 If you're a serious dreamer offers mono atomic gold power, dreams, especially the activity of the dream state control.

Brain Stimulation

 Monoatomic gold also helps engage a higher percentage of our brain, while at the same consciousness. Use of mono-atomic gold causes us to get clearer thoughts, improved cognitive skills and acumen and higher creativity.

 Monoatomic gold also helps in balancing or the synchronization of the brain, which causes the two sides of the brain to start to work simultaneously, which is not normally the case in a normal person.

 Typically works one side of the brain more than the other. Research shows as if you are in a thinking state, the left side of the brain at a higher level than the right side.
The color of yellow gold is yellowish powder (from 24 carat gold)
Of personal taste is exotic fruity.
 0.5-1 grams to be dissolved in about 1 liter of mineral water or tea and drink throughout the day.

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Church-of Monoatomic Gold Powder Blue With agate gemstones

Church-of Monoatomic Gold Powder Blue
With agate gemstones
Church-of Monoatomic Gold Powder Blue was sent the recipe and manufacturing process from the spiritual world of the alchemists. It is a universal and unique medium that enhances the one hand, the physical and mental health, well-being and harmony and receives, but also on the other hand is able to improve considerably or cure serious diseases. A regular intake of this product guarantees a considerable extent, an increase in physical well-being and strengthens the entire organism or four basic energies of the body, the aqueous power, the airy energy earth energy, and the energy of fire. Any excess energy or pollutants and waste are achieved by the administration of Church-of Monoatomic Gold Powder Blue and are discharged through the intestines. Side effects or overdosing are here - comparable with homeopathic remedies - not possible. Church-of Mono Atomic Blue-Gold Powder has the ability to correct undesirable consequences (disease), which can be caused by an imbalance of the four basic energies, food toxins and other waste products to be released from the body to relax the entire nervous system and re-balance bring in veins and arteries to solve thickened cholesterol and other deposits off and forward to various diseases of the lung, liver, heart, kidney, digestive organs and the urinary tract to heal.
Church Monoatomic of Blue Gold Powder can be successfully applied in:

Burnout, depression, acne, allergies, Alzheimer's, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, asthma, herniated disc, Bach salivary gland regeneration, bedwetting, bladder emptying disorders, blood pressure problems, chronic inflammation, poor circulation, loss of balance, Grey & Green Star, hair loss, thyroid dysfunction, impotence problems, radiation damage, indigestion, tooth enamel regeneration, nearsightedness, farsightedness, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, rheumatism ... just to name only a small fraction.

Church-of Monoatomic Gold Powder Blue activates and harmonizes the endocrine system. Gold calms the nervous system. Gold and agate gemstones activates the internal energies and leads to an improved mental attitude, she can see the world and its surroundings with different eyes. Your consciousness expands.

  Church-of Mono Atomic Blue-Gold Powder is inter alia able to neutralize poisons and acids and can also the entire musculoskeletal system, ie bones, muscles, tendons, spine and spinal cord, etc. strengthen and revitalize (eg rheumatism, arteriosclerosis) and heal the various associated symptoms. Another application is to increase or improve eyesight.
 Church-of Monoatomic Gold Powder Blue has become known far beyond the borders of Burma and also people from all over the world use Church-of Monoatomic Gold Powder Blue successfully for themselves. There are numerous reports of blatant improvements or cures of people who have severe and serious diseases with the help of Church of Monoatomic Gold Powder Blue could overcome. The strengthening and healing effect is amply documented and so Church of Mono Atomic Blue-Gold Powder is both the prevention suitable for everyone, the healthy, strong and in harmony with himself, his body and mind want to live, as well as for therapy and treatment of acute and chronic diseases.

MAKING Church of Monoatomic Gold Powder Blue
1 Step seven metals: gold, silver, iron, Mercurium, copper, palladium, and zinc are melted several times. For each melting process, the waste products are removed. This process takes at least a month and the melting process of each metal is up to 108 times repeated, until the metal is completely pure in the alchemical sense. This is particularly difficult in Mercurium as it normally evaporates when heated. By special alchemical process to transform the Mercurium into a solid form possible. The melting of metals is performed by monks because of the heat development in the mountains of Shan State. Then the metals wild honey, pineapple, grapes, peeled oranges and lemons are fused together along with chopped apples, stuffed into large glazed clay pots and buried twenty-year alternately a year in the ground and kept for a year on Earth. Once a year they will be opened, and when the substance is dry, fruits are replenished. The wild honey comes from distant cold mountain areas that are still untouched by civilization. The honey contains the nectar of many flowers, and therefore the healing powers of the nectar. In the fermentation process of the fruit produces substances which are established to have antibiotic properties. In this 20-year process and the metals of the earth by making an alchemical transformation, where the fruits and honey serve as "food" for the process of transformation of metals. The product is the alloy of the metals in seven perfect purity in solid form. This alloy is repeatedly washed dried in the sun and melted again.

2 Step: The alloy of the seven metals is processed in several steps to form thin films. These are cut into small pieces and heated together with the "philosopher's stone". This produces a white powder.

3 Agate gemstones are ground.

4 Step: The powder obtained in the second step is again mixed with the ground agate gems, grapes, apples, oranges, pineapple and honey and buried along with the Philosopher's Stone again one year.

5 The mass obtained in the fourth step is step up wet and dry below. It is two to five months in a furnace which is lined with sawdust and thereby developed a smoldering with relatively low heat baked. This produces Church of Monoatomic Gold Powder Blue first quality.

6 Step: Church of Monoatomic Gold Powder Blue first quality dried again for 10 days in the sun.

0.5-1 grams are dissolved in at about 1-1.5 liters of mineral water or tea and drink throughout the day.

look at

Church of Monoatomic Rose Gold Powder You will receive monatomic ROSE GOLD

Church of Monoatomic Rose Gold Powder
You will receive
monatomic ROSE GOLD

We guarantee you the most powerful single-atom ROSE GOLD on the market.

Our monatomic Rose Gold Powder we help them to open their awareness and to explore new ways of being.

You will receive a new physical and mental energy. You can help them with pain. Our Rose Gold Powder gives them strength and endurance in their sex drive.

Customers told us that they had a mental focus, some reported that they experienced a great clarity, they experienced as pure energy flowing through the chakras.

OUR Rose Gold Powder increase their alpha brain waves and the two hemispheres of the brain to be harmonized. You get a higher consciousness and its self-healing powers are stimulated

MAKING Church of Mmonoatomic Rose Gold Powder
First Step seven metals: gold, silver, iron, mercury, copper, palladium, and zinc can be melted repeatedly. At each melting process the slag will be removed. This process takes at least a month and the melting of any metal is repeated up to 108 times, until the metal in the alchemical sense is absolutely clean. This is particularly difficult with mercury, since it normally evaporates when heated. By special alchemical processes succeeds in transforming the Mercurium into a solid form. The melting of metals is carried out because of the heat development in the mountains of Shan State by monks. Then the metals are fused together and together with chopped apples, wild honey, pineapple, grapes, peeled oranges and lemons and put into large glazed pottery for twenty years alternately buried one year in the ground, and kept for a year on Earth. Once a year they are open, and if the substance is dry fruits are replenished. The wild honey comes from distant cold mountain areas by civilization are still untouched. The honey contains the nectar of many flowers, and therefore the healing powers of the nectar. In the fermentation process of the fruit produces substances that are established to have antibiotic properties. In this 20-year process, and above the earth make the metals through an alchemical transformation, serve the fruit and honey as "food" for the process of transformation of the metals. The product is the alloy of the seven metals in perfect purity in solid form. This alloy is repeatedly washed and dried in the sun melted again.

Second The alloy of seven metals step is processed in several steps into thin films. These are chopped and the "philosopher's stone" heated together. This produces a white powder.

Third The pace in the second step resulting powder is mixed again with grapes, apples, oranges, pineapple and honey together with the "philosopher's stone" once buried a year.

4th The third step in the step gained ground above moist and dry down. It is two to five months baked in an oven, which is fed with sawdust and thereby develops a smoldering with relatively low heat. The result is Church of Mmonoatomic Rose Gold Powder first quality. The metals are in these forms contain only traces and have lost their poisonous effect completely, as they were transformed by the alchemical process.

5th Step: Church of Mmonoatomic Rose Gold Powder second quality is cleaned and dried again for 10 days in the sun.

0.5-1 grams are dissolved in 1 liters of mineral water or tea and drink throughout the day.

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Mittwoch, 22. April 2015

Church of Monatomic Gold: Gold Platinum Detox

Church of Monatomic Gold: Gold Platinum Detox

Church of Monatomic Gold Platinum is a mystical and alchemical substance used by the ancient people of Egypt to achieve super-states of consciousness and mystical experiences.
Church of Monatomic Gold Platinum is probably the purest and most powerful single-atom gold on the world market.
Church of Monatomic Gold Platinum is also known as the fruit of the Tree of Life, Etherium Gold Powder Star-fire and gold of the gods known.


Church of Monatomic gold means "single atom." It does not contain traces of metals or toxins. Church of Monatomic Gold Platinum is the result of alchemy, an ancient science of the practice of the ancient people of Egypt.

Church of Monatomic Gold Platinum is. By changing the atomic structure of 99.98% Gold
The final product is a white powder consisting of trillions of individual gold atoms, each literally lighter than the element of air.

Church of Monatomic Gold is all-natural and dyed in the smallest amounts of purple fruits and vegetables as well as red and purple grapes, blueberries and eggplants. Purple / Purple is the color, the seventh randomly on the or crown chakra, which corresponds to the higher self and spirituality.

Spiritual Practices

The spiritual beliefs and practices of the people of Egypt were admired by other cultures and implemented many spiritual practices including the use of Monatomic gold and platinum were modeled.

Monatomic gold and platinum induced enhanced states of euphoria, spiritual bliss, confidence, endurance, power, wisdom, psychic ability and cell reorientation.


Months Omares Gold neutralizes all negativity in the cells and protects them from disease. The substance helps in almost all diseases.

For the healing effects of Monatomic Gold Platinum include:
Strengthens the heart
Detoxifies your body
Strengthens the pituitary and pineal
Strengthens and revitalizes the thymus gland and thus strengthening the immune system
Increases the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow
Causes to regenerate almost all cells of the body
Helping them to impotence
By increasing libido


Church of Monoatomic Gold Platinum is also great for meditation. It can provide very deep states of meditation or astral travel, let the faculty of the soul, the physical density behind and travel to experience different densities. It also helps increase the human aura or the bio-magnetic sheath.


Church of Monatomic gold and platinum strengthens the major and minor chakras, the human aura and the energy field. If the aura or energy field is weak or compromised, the body will work "out of sync" or balance with the natural rhythms of nature. However, if the aura or energy field and strengthen the body's functions increased in sync or harmony with the natural rhythms of nature, and thus are health and well being optimal.


Months Omares gold works well with crystals for the purpose of expanding the human aura. The average aura extends from eighteen inches to three feet. But after using Mon-atom gold, may increase the aura of 5-25 meters, depending on the person and their other activities such as chakra balancing, meditation and yoga.

Monatom gold sponsor is a person, a general feeling of well-being. It facilitates healing and can actually help prevent aging and disease in the body. It causes the endocrine system to solve more anti-aging secretions and causes the pineal gland to release more melatonin and serotonin. These hormones are great anti-aging and wellness medicine.


If you're a serious dreamer, offers month Omares gold-platinum power, dreams, especially the activity of the
Dreams are intensified.

The product is so powerful that they can help us to communicate with the souls who once walked the earth, mastered the lessons of life and ascended to higher spheres.

Brain Stimulation

Months Omares gold-platinum helps commit a higher proportion of our brain, while at the same consciousness. Using Mon-atomic gold leads us. Sharper mind, improved cognitive skills and acumen and greater creativity

Monoatomic gold platinum also helps in balancing or the synchronization of the brain causes the two sides of the brain to work simultaneously, which is not normally the case in the middle or a normal person.

Typically works one side of the brain more than the other. Research shows as if you are in a thinking state, the left side of the brain at a higher level than the right side.

The right side of the brain deals with creativity. And if we are in a creative state, the right side of the brain higher. On a brain image as the left side of the brain The aim is to work on the brain both balls high, at the same time.


Technology of radio, television, microwaves, cell phones, iPods and MP3 players have damaged our frequency or subtle body and our physical body. All products with engines emit radiation or electromagnetic fields, which can play a role in the development of cancer, and energy to the body. When radiation is
directed to the head of the body, the head is impaired nine magnetic particles. This is also carried out with the use of headphones or anything that comes into direct contact with the conductor.

Many of these new technologies may seem like it makes life easier, more convenient and fun, but in all reality, it lowers our frequency.

In order to reuse the entire functioning of the brain can, Mon-atomic gold-platinum, crystals and crystal is used elixirs.

Television turns off the light of the Third Eye, the Ajna Chakra. It is no coincidence that television deals with illusions and the demon of the Sixth Chakra is an illusion.

0,5-1 grams are dissolved in 1 liters of mineral water or tea and drink throughout the day.
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Church-of-Monoatomic-Gold-SOS DNA Repair


Frequency 528 Hz
The frequency of 528 Hz supposedly has healing effects on DNA. The frequency seems to be the water molecules that surround the DNA helix affect.

This frequency brings your DNA and your entire cell structure back to its natural and healthy harmony.

Most people today are consistently on substances that are known to be exposed to damage our DNA. Radiation, plastics, cigarette smoke, chemicals, soft drinks, pesticides and many other common substances were all damage to our DNA. It's unfortunate, because when our DNA is damaged, we subdue itself to numerous health problems. Our cells are inhibited in the making, what our body needs and challenged our bodies in renewable healthy cells. Worse, the effects of our chemical and life habits to hand over our children - and our children's children. Fortunately, our DNA has the ability to repair itself and are a few simple ways to begin your DNA on the road to repair below.

Step 1: five metals: gold, copper, platinum, rhodium and palladium are melted several times. For each melting process, the waste products are removed. This process takes at least a month and the melting process of each metal is up to 108 times repeated until the metal is absolutely pure in the alchemical sense. The melting of metals is performed by monks and alchemists because of the heat development in the mountains of Shan State. Then, the metals are fused together and, pineapple and peeled oranges in large glazed clay pots filled with wild gemahlendem Honigspat and buried twenty-year alternately a year in the ground, and kept for a year on Earth. Once a year they are opened, and when the substance is dry, fruits are replenished. The wild Honigspat comes from distant cold mountain areas that are still untouched by civilization. In the fermentation process of the fruit produces substances which are established to have antibiotic properties. In this 20-year process in and above the earth, the metals undergo an alchemical transformation, where the fruits and Honigspat serve as "food" for the process of transformation of metals. The product is the alloy of five metals in perfect purity and in solid form. This alloy is repeatedly washed dried in the sun and melted again.

  Step 2: The alloy of five metals is processed in several steps to form thin films. These are cut into small pieces and heated together with the "philosopher's stone". This produces a white powder.

  Step 3: The powder obtained in the second step is again mixed with grapes, apples, oranges, pineapple and gemahlendem Honigspat and buried along with the Philosopher's Stone again one year.

  Step 4: The mass obtained in the third step above is humid and dry below. It is two to five months in a furnace which is lined with sawdust and thereby developed a smoldering with relatively low heat baked. Here, Gold Powder is produced first quality.

Step 5:
Church-of-Monoatomic-Gold-SOS-DNA-Repair Gold Powder first quality is again dried for 10 days in the sun.


0.5-1 grams are dissolved in about 1 liter of mineral water or tea and drink throughout the day.

  Important: Please note that this is a natural product and it comes to color variations.

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Church-of-Monoatomic-gold-frequency 3, 6, 9

Church-of-Monoatomic-gold-frequency 3, 6, 9
Original frequencies UT-RE-MI-FA-SO-LA .. base 3, 6, 9
+ Convert sorrow into joy
+ Help to connect to its source in order to achieve great things
+ DNA repair
+ Connect with mental world
+ Solve situations, more intuition
+ Back to spiritual order

Step 1: five metals: gold, silver, platinum, rhodium and palladium are melted several times. For each melting process, the waste products are removed. This process takes at least a month and the melting process of each metal is up to 108 times repeated until the metal is absolutely pure in the alchemical sense. The melting of metals is performed by monks and alchemists because of the heat development in the mountains of Shan State. Then, the metals are fused together and together filled pineapple, grapes and peeled oranges in large glazed clay pots and buried for fifteen to twenty years alternately a year in the ground, and kept for a year on Earth. Once a year they are opened, and when the substance is dry, fruits are replenished. In the fermentation process of the fruit produces substances which are established to have antibiotic properties. In this 20-year process in and above the earth, the metals undergo an alchemical transformation, where the fruits are used as "food" for the process of transformation of metals. The product is the alloy of five metals in perfect purity and in solid form. This alloy is repeatedly washed dried in the sun and melted again.

  Step 2: The alloy of five metals is processed in several steps to form thin films. These are cut into small pieces and heated together with the "philosopher's stone". This produces a white powder.

  Step 3: The powder obtained in the second step is again mixed with grapes, apples, oranges, pineapples and grapes and buried along with the Philosopher's Stone again one year.

  Step 4: The mass obtained in the third step above is humid and dry below. It is two to five months in a furnace which is lined with sawdust and thereby developed a smoldering with relatively low heat baked. This produces Church-of-Mono Atomic Gold-frequency 3, 6, 9, first quality.

Step 5: This Church-of-Mono Atomic Gold-frequency 3, 6, 9 first quality is again dried for 10 days in the sun.

Recommendation for use:
0.5-1 grams are in 1 liter of mineral water or tea and drink solved throughout the day.

  Important: Please note that this is a natural product and it comes to color variations.

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Church of Mono Atomic Gold-White Powder 10 G, yellow-gold 10 G. Rose-gold 10 G.

Church of Mono Atomic Gold-White Powder 10 G, yellow-gold 10 G. Rose-gold 10 G.

Church of Mono Atomic Gold White Powder
How can we today the unique powers of this Church of Mono Atomic Gold White Powder for the expansion of consciousness, to restore the Supraleitfähiglkeit and strengthening self-healing processes nutzen.Es may initially attached some basic concepts and assumptions to be clarified.
During the last 30 years, the understanding of the value of healthy food, vitamins, minerals, natural herbs and supplements with regard to a longer life, increased intelligence and spiritual development has grown. Now that this understanding is present at a sufficiently broad base, the next step is now available to support Church of Mono Atomic Gold White Powder.
What is alchemy and how does it differ from other methods of healing?
Alchemy is an ancient science and is practiced in many cultures. Alchemy relates aspects of chemistry, medicine, physics, astrology, geology, metallurgy and spiritual knowledge with a. An Alchemist reproduced for accelerated and highly concentrated kind of universal, physical and spiritual processes and makes it unique substances ago, which is to be acquired by any other method (similar to the Spagyrik).
Why is alchemy so little known?
Many pioneers in medicine and science have studied alchemy, but the tradition was eclipsed during the last centuries by an exclusively mechanistic approach to science. In the 20th century the world's interest was reawakened in alchemy, and for the first time in the last decades of the public are true alchemical recipes available again.
From the history of the Church of Mono Atomic Gold White Powder
Monoatomic gold was known in all the Gnostic schools since ancient Egypt and has been of initiates (such as Plato, Aristotle and others) taken to expand their consciousness, increasing their vibration and to activate the full DNS potential.
The Hebrews called it "manna" or the "bread of God," the Egyptians "Tear from the Eye of Horus," the Indians "Vibhuti or Bhasma of gold". In alchemy, it is considered "Calx of Gold", which helps the "lead" of the human mind (the ego with its negative, dense structures) into "gold" to turn (the divine soul). It exists only to 5/9 on the physical plane and is sort of the "spirit and soul of gold" (the metallic gold is the body). There is no Colloidal gold, which is still in a metal, although colloidal state.
Even by today's science is becoming more and more researches Monoatomic gold because of its amazing properties, since it has a completely different atomic structure compared to the original metallic state.
Monoatomic gold exists in trace amounts in nature. However, it can only be transferred by an alchemical process permanently from pure metallic gold in a monoatomic state of man!
Monoatomic Gold and its unique physical and energetic properties:
It is a superconductor at room temperature, has characteristics of energy and can receive light / information / energy loss, store and release.
At the same time it creates an ethereal Prana-Vortex, which flows along a double helix through the nucleus and corresponds to the kundalini energy.
It creates an independent zero magnetic field (the Meissner field) around which corresponds to the Mer-Ka-Ba of man. The Mer-Ka-Ba is the light body of man (from the Ägpyptischen: MER = rotating in opposite directions, fused together rooflights, KA = life energy & amp; spirit, BA = soul / MER-KA-BA = Ghost vitality and soul merge, form a unit which generates counter-rotating light bands and overcomes time and space).
Monoatomic gold exists only to 5/9 on the physical monoatomic gold Ebene.Reines levitates on the Earth's magnetic field. It does not wear out and its function and its life is eternal.
According to a group of alchemists who has taken over the years and distributed within a spiritual union and tested the Monoatomic gold, it is absorbed by the body when ingested and, inter alia, increase in the energetic conductivity of DNA up to 10,000.
This group has observed the following physiological and energetic reactions with the old traditions (from Egypt, the Bible, the Vedas and alchemy) to cover (some of these statements, we can confirm from my own experience). Many energetic test procedures (Kinesiology, Clairvoyance, feeling, channeling, Radiästesie etc.) occupy Manna - monoatomic gold with the title "sensational"!
Other features:
The aging process is to be reversed by the energetic Reparierung of defective DNA programs. It WOULD rejuvenating and prolong the life of the vital DNA.
Damaged cells or energetic dysfunction should be regenerated (including brain cells).
The endocrine system would energetically strongly activated, particularly the thymus, pineal and pituitary.
The light / photon flux in the nervous and meridian system should be strengthened permanently.
The self-healing to be significantly improved.
The superconductivity of the DNA would be upgraded and their energy flow increased to 10,000 times.
An intense emotional purification and stabilization would be triggered.
A significant increase in performance and stress resilience enters into force.
Man resting more and more and is much more stable in its center.
You always know more solutions rather than problems, but since one and the outer sees himself more clearly.
The manifestation of the effect of thoughts would be strengthened.
The intelligence extend to higher levels of the mind.
The frequency of the chakras and the body would be increased.
The perception would be expanded and mental-emotional skills to be activated.
The Kundalini energy would be raised harmoniously.
The sleeping ("Supernatural") potentials are awake.
The levitating properties of monoatomic gold lead at all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) to an all-round increase in the quality of life and consciousness.
Monoatomic gold is the substance described in the ancient Mysteries texts that us humans in the current time of change (up to 2012 and beyond) and the associated inner alchemical processes supported and leads to a good "end"! It helps us to actually reach the already long-awaited "New Aeon" of a universal consciousness and realized.
The basic effect of monoatomic gold is the same for everyone. However, the individual changes that triggers it experienced subjectively, of course, are very different. Depending on how aware someone is already (has freed or transformed by dense energies, meditate, inner, spiritual work practices, etc.).

NOTE: We expressly point out that the above statements of official science are not confirmed (yet). The statements are not to be understood as promises of salvation. "Church of Mono Atomic Gold White Powder" is not a cure for the purposes of medicine! Rather, it is a natural Energetikum, which is also in trace amounts found in nature (eg, volcanic ash or on fertile soils sun ripened fruit & amp; vegetables). Our body needs monoatomic elements as well as metallic and colloidal trace elements.

But if it is made by an appropriately qualified people in an alchemical process, its purity and quality is significantly improved effect and not to be compared with the naturally occurring substance.
"White Gold" Manna - many names for the - Church of Mono Atomic Gold White Powder
The white gold, has been the Pharaohs of the first dynasties, they regenerated thus, for the later dynasties pharaohs knowledge had been lost, they were mummified. The white gold could not be determined by science, it has disguised himself, and has very different properties. Instead of electrons it has white bands of light around the nucleus (component of "imaginary" reality namely the antimatter page). There are properties that calculates the conventional science as impossible. We get so a connection to another world. But it is also gold, but non-metallic gold. It also exists in the Parallel Universes. If gold goes into the high-spin state, it loses its metallic properties completely and becomes a white powder. The white gold powder is mentioned repeatedly in the course of human history, until recently, no one has found out what it is for a substance. It is a superconductor (that is, matter and antimatter). The white gold powder was also referred to as the "bread of life".
The Internet and at various user groups following is said:
The white gold can repair the damaged DNA, which is then the medicine to early mortality.
Since the late 90s is known is that in the normal cell renewal lost a little piece of DNA on both sides of the DNA strand (called telomeres) and therefore less powerful, this "self-mutilation in installments" is also the main cause for aging. The white gold reproduces the entire DNS and lifts the degenerative process on.
Our original plan is stored in our soul. From the first dose of Church of Mono Atomic Gold White Powder of the aging process is slowed and may even actually reversed. The life expectancy can thus be increased considerably. This is about the physical, emotional and mental health, which is able to compensate for the madness of our time.
The white gold is mixed (plant stem cell energy) with a Light-Essence and therefore affects 50% stronger. Detoxification reactions can last up to one year.
What we think is manifest in life and that is accelerated by the white gold.
Experience in the US
The hair get their natural color, condition of the teeth improved, genitals are grown, the body has grown, calcium deposits in the joints are reduced or resolved, pains and wrinkles are decreased hair growth was stimulated, bosom grows and becomes taut. .. more intense orgasms. By superconductivity neural pathways are served faster and better, it's easier to quit smoking and must eat less, the blood flows better (viscosity).
By taking Church of Mono Atomic Gold White Powder, the performance of the nervous system increases significantly. That would enable such a super computer to process enormous amounts of information, so many more possibilities can be used. The brain cells are aligned so that they communicate with each other much better. Monatomic gold has incredible strength, because it aligns the cells so that they can take enormous amounts of light energy, which helps eliminate blockages and imbalances.
What side effects may I? The detoxification process can lead to fatigue and exhaustion, you then sleeps more, B vitamins, especially B12 help.
Typical initial reactions when taking Church of Mono Atomic Gold White Powder: increased fatigue, increased appetite (damages are repaired), feeling of pressure in the third eye.
Legal Note: The "Church of Mono Atomic Gold White Powder" is not an official remedy within the meaning of conventional medicine. Rather, it is a natural product which, for example, also found in volcanic ash (bentonite).
0.5-1 grams are dissolved in about 1 liter of mineral water or tea and drink throughout the day.
Church Monoatomic Yellow Gold 24k powder

Church Monoatomic Yellow Monoatomic Gold is a mystical and alchemical substance of the ancient people of Burma to achieve the super-states of consciousness and mystical experiences.

Church Monoatomic Yellow Powder Gold is also the fruit of the tree of life, Etherium Gold Powder Star-fire and gold of the gods known.

Monoatomic gold means "single atom." It contains no traces of metals or toxins.
Church Monoatomic Yellow Monoatomic Gold is the result of alchemy, an ancient science of practice of the ancient people of Burma.
Church Monoatomic Yellow Monoatomic Gold is by changing the atomic structure of 24 carat gold.
The final product is a yellow powder, consisting of billions of individual gold atoms, respectively literally lighter than the element of the air.
Church Monoatomic Yellow Monoatomic Gold is all-natural and of a yellowish color, which happened on the 7th or crown chakra, which corresponds with the higher self and spirituality.

Spiritual Practices
With yellow mono to make the people of Burma to gold cake atomic gold. This cake helped people from Burma and many visitors in many of their spiritual rituals and practices.

The spiritual beliefs and practices of the people of Burma have been admired by other cultures and implemented many spiritual practices including the use of mono-atomic gold were modeled.

Monoatomic gold-induced and increased states of euphoria, spiritual bliss, confidence, endurance, strength, wisdom and psychic ability cell reorientation.

Monoatomic gold neutralizes all negativity in the cells and protects them from disease. The active ingredient makes in almost all diseases.

For the healing properties of gold Monoatomic include:

Strengthens the heart

Strengthens the pituitary and pineal gland

Strengthens and revitalizes the thymus gland and thus strengthen the immune system

Increases the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow

Causes to regenerate almost all cells of the body

To help you Impotence

By increasing the libido

Monoatomic gold is also ideal for meditation. It can provide very deep state of meditation or astral travel, leave the faculty of the soul, the physical density behind and travel to experience different densities. It also helps to increase the human aura or bio-magnetic shell.


Monoatomic Gold strengthens the major and minor chakras, the human aura and the energy field. If the aura or energy field is weak or is at risk, the body will work "out of sync" or balance with the natural rhythms of nature. However, if the aura or energy field and strengthen the body's functions increases synchronously or harmony with the natural rhythms of nature and is thus optimal health and well-being.


Monoatomic gold works well with crystals for the purpose of expanding the human aura. The average Aura ranges from eighteen inches to three feet. But through the use of mono-atomic gold to increase the aura of 5-25 meters, depending on the person and their other activities such as chakra balancing, meditation and yoga.

Monoatomic Gold is a person, a general feeling of well-being. It supports the healing and may even prevent aging and disease in the body. It causes the endocrine system, solve more anti-aging secretions and causes the pineal gland to release more melatonin and serotonin. These hormones are great anti-aging and wellness medicine.

If you are a serious dreamer has mono atomic gold power, dreams, especially the activity of the dream state control.

Brain stimulation

Monoatomic Gold also helps engage a higher percentage of our brain, simultaneously during consciousness. Use of mono-atomic gold leaves us to get a clear idea of ​​improved cognitive skills and acumen and greater creativity.

Monoatomic Gold also helps in balancing respectively. the synchronization of the brain to start the two sides of the brain, in order to work at the same time, does not cause as a rule in the case of a normal person.

Typically, one side of the brain operates more than the other. Research shows as if you are in a thinking state, the left side of the brain at a higher level than the right side.
The color yellow gold is yellow powder (24 carat gold)
Of personal taste is exotic fruity.
0.5-1 grams in about 1 liter of bottled water or tea and drink throughout the day be resolved.


Church Monoatomic Rose Gold Powder
You receive
monatomic ROSE GOLD

We guarantee you the most powerful single-atom ROSE GOLD on the market.

Our monatomic Rose Gold Powder helping them to open their consciousness and discover new ways of being.

You will receive a new physical and mental energy. You can help with pain. Our Rose Gold Powder gives them strength and endurance in their sex drive.

Customers told us that she had a mental focus, some reported that they experienced a great clarity, they experienced as pure energy flows through the chakras.

OUR Rose Gold Powder increase alpha brain waves and to harmonize the two hemispheres of the brain. You will receive a higher consciousness and its self-healing powers are stimulated

MAKING Church Mmonoatomic Rose Gold Powder
Is a very complex and lengthy alchemical process
First Step Seven Metals: Gold, silver, iron, mercury, copper, palladium, and zinc can be remelted. At each melt the slag are removed. This process takes at least a month and the melting point of the metal up to 108 times repeated until the metal in the alchemical sense absolutely clean. This is particularly difficult with mercury, as it normally evaporates when heated. By special alchemical processes the conversion of Mercurium succeed in a solid form. The melting of metals is performed by monks because of the heat in the mountains of Shan State. Then the metals are fused together, and together with chopped apples, wild honey, pineapple, grapes, peeled oranges and lemons and alternately buried in large glazed ceramic twenty years a year in the ground and held for one year on Earth. Once a year they are open, and if the fabric dry fruits are filled. The wild honey is still untouched from the distant cold mountain regions of civilization. The honey contains the nectar of many flowers, and therefore the healing power of nectar. In the fermentation of the fruit produced substances established to have antibiotic properties are. In this 20-year process, and on earth metals undergo an alchemical transformation serve fruits and honey as "food" for the process of transformation of the metals. The product is the alloy of seven metals in perfect purity in solid form. This alloy is repeatedly washed and re-melted in the sun.

Second, after seven metals alloy step is processed in several steps in thin films. These are chopped and heated the "philosopher's stone" together. This produces a white powder.

Third, the tempo in the second stage resulting powder is again mixed buried in the year with grapes, apples, oranges, pineapple and honey together with the "philosopher's stone".

4. won The third step in the step above ground moist and dry down. It is two to five months in an oven, which is fed with sawdust and thereby a smoldering developed with relatively low heat baked. The result is Church Mmonoatomic Rose Gold Powder first quality. The metals contained in these forms only in traces and lost their toxicity complete, as they were transformed by the alchemical process.

Step 5: Church Mmonoatomic Rose Gold Powder second quality is cleaned and dried again for 10 days in the sun.

0.5-1 grams are in 1 liter of mineral water or tea and drink solved all day.