Freitag, 17. September 2021

Treatment options for bladder cancer on a biological basis


Our researchers in the Japanese city of Nagoya discovered an enzyme against bladder cancer.
In 2020, a good quarter of the approximately 24,730 people with invasive bladder cancer were women. There were also around 18,700 people suffering from non-invasive papillary carcinomas (Ta) and in-situ tumors (Tis) of the bladder.
Because of poorly differentiated Ta tumors and Tis, there is an increased risk of tumor progression or recurrence (relapse). This is also reflected in the survival rates.
Although they are currently not classified as malignant cancers according to ICD-10, these tumors are of particular clinical relevance.
Bladder carcinoma is usually a urothelial carcinoma that often occurs simultaneously in different parts of the bladder and the lower urinary tract.

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